

I’ve always been a sports fan and had an active lifestyle since I was a little kid. I enjoy playing and watching all sports, but my primary sport is competitive tennis and basketball. I began developing my passion for strength training and fitness when I realised how much this can improve my on-court performance. I completed a Bachelor of Business (Sport Management) in 2022 at International College of Management as well as completing a Certificate III and IV in fitness at the Australian Institute of Fitness.

My desire to become a personal trainer originated from my goal of helping others become the healthiest version of themselves. The best part about being a PT at Form Fitness is the community aspect as everyone is so supportive of each other and all our members are always willing to learn. I’m super excited to be a part of the Form Fitness team, and I look forward to helping our members achieve their health and fitness goals.

Take The First Step Towards A Healthier You

Taking the first step has never been easier. Fill out our enquiry form, and we’ll reply within 24 hours to schedule your free phone consultation. During our call, we’ll discuss how we can help you accomplish your health and fitness goals.