I started training at Form Fitness in July 2020. I was looking for a local gym where I could train regularly and remain injury free. My first goal was that I wanted to reduce how often I was seeing my physio. My second goal was to improve my stability and strength. My third goal was to deadlift more than 40kgs and get my name on the gym record board.
My current goals are to keep my name on the record board! To continue improving my strength and fitness. To maintain motivation for the long term.
My biggest struggle was coping with injuries. I used to try and ignore injuries but Jera has taught me that exercises can be adapted to individual needs. This allows me to keep training with fewer flare ups.
My advice to new members is to keep training!! It doesn’t matter where you start, the team will help you work through a personalised plan to achieve your goals. The people at Form Fitness are extremely friendly and encouraging
I started my fitness journey in November 2020. I had previously joined up to various gyms over the years but never stayed motivated enough to go consistently and see results. I felt extremely sluggish and not confident about the extra weight I was carrying and I knew I needed to do something about it! I had been wanting to find the right personal trainer for around a year before I found Form Fitness.
My initial goals were to lose overall body fat, tone up and get stronger. My biggest struggle was changing my eating habits in order to lose weight. When I started I was training consistently but not losing weight because I would eat out a lot and never pass on dessert!
I had to find a balance with my eating choices and lifestyle, and realise that if I wanted to see real results I had to make some changes. This years lockdown definitely helped me change my habits as I wasn’t able to go out, and I found a new love for eating at home as opposed to getting take out and overeating.
My goals now are to lose a few more kilos by tracking and sticking to my calories, as well as get a 40kg bench press. It’s all about consistency. This is something I struggled with my whole life when it came to the gym, which is why I needed a personal trainer who was counting on me to show up! As long as you show up and have a positive attitude towards it the rest becomes easy.
I love the positive vibe at Form Fitness and all the trainers are amazing. Nicola has really helped me achieve my goals and if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be where I am now! I like that my work outs are tailored to my specific needs and that she pushes me more than I would push myself in the gym.”
I began my fitness journey at Form Fitness in April 2020, just after the first COVID 19 lockdown. I wanted to be taught the correct way to incorporate weight training into my fitness routine. I had always enjoyed walking, but having reached my early 50’s, I wanted to add in some strength training to improve everyday functional movements. My main goal when I started was to improve muscle tone and strength. Along the way I also lost the few extra kilos that I was carrying. My goals now are to maintain the strength I have built so that everyday functional movements can be performed with agility and easy, E.g. squatting down to reach into low kitchen cupboards.
I absolutely love my training at Form Fitness. It is such a happy and friendly place. The Staff are extremely professional and knowledgeable and you get to know the other clientele who train at the same times as you. It is like a big, happy family! I really look forward to my two sessions each week. It is never a struggle to go because the trainers are so friendly and motivating. I love the focus they place on teaching you the correct ‘form’ when undertaking all the exercises. I have learnt that correct form and posture is everything when weight training and the Form Fitness trainers pride themselves on educating their clients to perform all exercises correctly to achieve maximum results.
If you want to learn the correct techniques for weight training, achieve great results and train in a clean, well-maintained gym with modern equipment, I would highly recommend Form Fitness!
I started training at Form Fitness in January 2019 after my husband achieved some great results. I was motivated to loose the baby weight after having my last baby and to increase my fitness. My goal was to loose weight, build strength and increase my fitness which i have accomplished. My goal now is to remain healthy and keep active.
The biggest hurdle for me is balancing my time with kids and a business. I overcame these struggles by prioritised my time to include walking before school pick up.
My advice to anyone wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle is to just keep going, the moment you feel you can’t exercise is the time you need to do it the most.
My favourite thing about Form Fitness is how they cater to your individual needs and the trainers.
"I started my fitness journey in 2021. After trying out a few other gyms, I was drawn towards Form Fitness due to the fact that they offered 1 on 1 personal training. As I was a beginner, I thought it would be beneficial to start out with a trainer, due to the guidance, support and element of accountability that would come from training with a PT.
I was motivated to start because I love challenging and improving myself, and I saw training as an opportunity to do that. I also saw it as way to increase my confidence and feel better about myself.
When I got started, my goal was to be able to get into a consistent routine of three sessions a week in the mornings. I wanted to be able to know after each session that I had given it my best go.
My current goals are to stay consistent, push myself and get out of my comfort zone in every session. The satisfaction from progressing to more challenging exercises and heavier weights is a motivating factor that encourages me to keep working as hard as a can in each session.
Another goal that I have been working on at the moment is keeping a better track of what I am eating throughout the week. I have been using the my fitness pal app as well as learning how to cook a variety of different meals to attain this goal.
An initial struggle for me was to get started and develop a consistent routine. It felt a bit intimidating at first walking into different gyms when you don’t really know what you're doing and it feels like everyone else does. I felt like I was lacking that confidence and knowledge to get started.
This is why I was so drawn to the idea of training with a PT at Form Fitness; to have that guidance at a stage in my fitness journey when I most needed it. The results are gradual as it is with anything in life, but I can see a clear difference from when I started and am motivated by where this can take me if I keep working hard over a long period of time.
There can be sessions where I might feel frustrated if I’m not getting through my sets or progressing on the previous week. But being able to zoom out and look at the bigger picture of the progress that I’ve made overall helps a lot in those moments.
My advice for new members would be to approach training with a growth mindset and put as much effort in as possible as you won’t get anything back unless you get out of your comfort zone and really test yourself. The trainers are extremely helpful and dedicated, providing the perfect platform for you to grow if you’re willing to put the effort in.
My favourite thing about training at Form Fitness is the support and encouragement that you get from every trainer there. The different tips and techniques that I have learnt from my trainer Thomas have been so influential and valuable for me throughout my fitness journey."
I have been into fitness most of my life but decided to look for a personal trainer and found Damian and the team in 2016! Having a full time exec role and a family I needed a consistent fitness regime tailored for my schedule and needs where I didn’t need to think or plan too much was the driver.
My goals when I started were around fat loss, strength and staying Injury free so I could continue running. My goals are pretty much the same, as I get older, making sure I am able to stay fit and healthy consistently is important for me, my family and work.
My biggest struggles are when I get injured and can’t run, that gets me down. I love my food and wine! so being able to enjoy that in a healthy balance with exercise is not as easy as it was in my 20’s!
Damian my personal trainer has a good appreciation of what is important to me, pushing me when I would not do that myself and altering my program to suit getting over my injuries as well as staying injury free. The threat of the weighing scales helps overindulging 🙂
I would say, stick with it, make your personal training a habit that is non negotiable, be clear on you goals, and know that setbacks are just that. Tomorrow is another day!
I love the community of form fitness, everyone knows everyone and is friendly but at the same time there is a high level of professionalism and reliability that means your interests are always front of mind.
Although I started my fitness journey with Form Fitness in June 2021, only after a couple of sessions Sydney went into lockdown. I resumed the journey again in Nov 2021.
My initial motivation to start training was my wife (credit where credit is due).
I live a very busy lifestyle between work and home and I always had an excuse not to look after my health. She came across Form Fitness when it had just opened in Lindfield, spoke to Ricky and made the appointment. What impressed us most was Ricky's philosophy about slow and sustainable long-term changes to the lifestyle - exercise and eating habits and I took the plunge.
I started with a goal of losing 20 kgs and making those sustainable changes to my exercise and eating habits. I'm ore than half-way to my initial goal, I'm now aiming to increase my body strength and get lean.
I look forward to my sessions at Form Fitness every week. The place has a great vibe with great music. All the trainers are friendly and approachable. Above all, I like that my plan is customised to my goals and Thomas is always pushing me achieve my new personal best.
I started at Form Fitness Lindfield in March 2022. I had two reasons. I wanted to get fit and be in shape for my 40th Birthday this year. Also, my dad was recently diagnosed with Dementia. This has been devastating for my family and I want to do everything I can to maintain my physical and mental well-being to be able to support my parents through this difficult timeMy goal when I started was to get to 60kg and to be more fit and toned. I'm close to reaching my goals and I want to be able to maintain the weight once I get there.
My biggest struggle is that I love eating. I am half Italian and food has always been a huge part of my life, especially carb rich foods like pasta and pizza which are laden with calories! I overcame this struggle with the fear of weigh ins😂 Just kidding... with my coaches guidance I've been doing my best to find high protein alternatives to satisfy my cravings.
Form fitness has a relaxed atmosphere, and Ollie is super positive and supportive!
You can achieve what ever you want as long as you are committed to your goals!
It all began at the beginning of March, my training started in parallel with the Form Fitness Lindfield branch opening.
I wanted to join a personal training gym to help me focus and concentrate on my fitness goals. I wanted to ensure I reached a healthy weight as well as to build some more muscle.
My biggest struggles were the ups and downs when working hard week, week out. After a sustained period it becomes apparent that these are quite normal trends, bad weeks can be easily adjusted. I would try and pre pack meals, concentrate on my daily intake and increased my movement.
Set yourself realistic goals and be disciplined about your approach if you want to reach your goals, just going to the gym isn’t going to be enough what you do out of the gym is just as important
I’m still on my journey, adjusting my goals as I move forward.
The trainers at Form Fitness have a big focus on technique, this ensures you build the right foundation for the future.
I stated training at Form Fitness Lindfield in May 2022. Initially i came in to get my son Daniel motivated to train, after meeting the team and seeing the premises i decided to join aswell.
I'm associated with a few friends who are regularly training and they have been telling me how it helps morally/ mentally and fitness in particular if you have a busy life style, beside some issues with joints, so I decided it's the time to kick off seriously...
My initial goal was too become fitter and stronger which am feeling very much these days.
My goal now is to keep training with an ongoing routine for years to come
After a car accident in 2014 I had major issues with back & shoulders and training without proper technique and knowledge was a scary thought. Form Fitness provided the service i was looking for.
My advise to anyone considering training, join form fitness and just be patient and you will see results for sure. I simply enjoying it & look forward to each and every session.
I started at Form FItness in the end of 2018
I was motivated to lose weight, improve health and looks at ways to assist with my back pain always in pain
My initial goal was to losse weight (20kg) and increase muscle mass which i have achieved.
After some recent health setbacks my current goal is to reshape my body, increase muscle & work on glutes & breathing techniques for my back. My biggest struggle was staying on course with foods and not overeating, i overcame this by tracking my calories.
My advice to anyone considering starting is to stick the course and commit yourself to a lifestyle change. You will feel better in the long run
The trainers at Form Fitness are easy to get a long with and they are very knowledgeable. They are able to help with any body issues. The facilities are always clean and organised.
I Jumped back into my fitness journey after almost 6 years this March 2021. I was motivated by my young kids - 5 and 3yo. I felt like I needed to improve my fitness so I could keep up with them and be a better role model. I also wanted to feel better about myself because I was constantly feeling tired and sluggish.
The initial goal was to lose enough weight to fit back into some of my clothes, get toned, build my strength and motivation. Make better food choices. I feel such a difference already to when I started but I'd still like to work on building my strength and maybe get to complete a half marathon one day...
I still struggle with food... I love food and have never been one to count calories or diet. I also struggle with trying to fit exercise in while keeping on top of my kids' schedules and needs. We focused on portion control and intermittent fasting - Still working on sticking to a better routine but has improved since starting Form Fitness.
Sometimes, you just need that push in the right direction to get you on track. If you stick with it for a few weeks it becomes second nature to work out because your body and mind get used to the resulting changes.
The trainers are all great and have a wealth of knowledge and experience. But I really like that they are focussed on technique and designing a workout specific to my physical needs.
My fitness journey started in April 2022. I was motivated by a number of overuse injuries - namely a medial hamstring tendinopathy and a calf strain - that were not responsive to ongoing physiotherapy treatment. I was in a lot of pain, quite immobile and I had to try something new… that worked.
My initial goals were to get strong. To move pain free and to mend the inflammatory injuries.
I want to keep improving strength with a focus on injury prevention and weight loss.
I am extrinsically motivated and find it a struggle to keep up my daily exercise outside of my training sessions. It helps to be held accountable, having Annie, my trainer, track my activity on Strava is helpful.
My advice is to just show up (regardless of reasons why not to) and enjoy the sessions. No one ever says ‘I really regret that workout’
I really enjoy the variety in my program (I tend to get bored easily), the weekly improvements in my strength, the knowledge and skill of my trainer Annie and all the other staff members.
I also enjoy the friendliness of the clients and staff at Form Fitness. It’s a happy and kind place to train…. And only take 45 minutes!
I started my fitness journey with Form Fitness in mid 2020. I had gotten quite out of shape after the birth of my son and wanted to kickstart a good habit. My goal was to create an enduring fitness habit and gain strength and fitness.
My goal now is to put on as much muscle as I can and then work to train specifically for my sport performance.
I use to think I knew a lot but after training at Form Fitness i am realising that I have so much to learn. My biggest hurdle has been creating consistency that lasts. I was able to succeed by educating myself with good resources and information provided by my trainer. I have come to the reaalisation that perfect is the enemy of the good and consistency and process takes longer than you think.
I would recommend to anyone struggling with their training to change their perspective. Instead of thinking of fitness as a matter of days, weeks or months, accept that it will take years so don’t despair if you don’t get it perfect immediately but keep at it. Theres a lot of information out there, a lot of them bad. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
My favourite thing about Form Fitness is having knowledgeable and supportive guidance throughout difficult periods. The Form Fitness approach is efficient, safe and convenient - Being able to just focus on training
My fitness journey started in April 2019 when my neck became stiff after a long holiday The motivation back then was to correct my poor posture and maybe lose some weight I was skeptical at first however, my weight went down from 90kg to 70kg at one stage.
At the moment, my goals are to gain some more muscle and further reduce body fat. Not trying to become a fashion model at my age but you know what I mean.
My biggest struggle is try to eat correctly. For example, to balance between nutrition and having occasional fun nights.
In terms of advice for new members… you are in for the long haul and it usually takes months to get results. However, some lifestyle changes can speed things up. For example, we can always replace a cheese burger with a chicken sandwich.
The trainers at Form Fitness are dedicated and friendly. The training program is tailored to my objectives and whilst it appears to be tough at the beginning, these guys help me to get there.
I started training at Form Fitness in October 2020.
A few months before starting at Form Fitness, I hurt my back badly. I didn't want to feel weak physically or hurt myself again, so I decided to seek out professional help to gain strength.
My goals were to get stronger physically and feel good about my fitness level.
I would like to continue building my stamina and maintain my strength. I am fortunate to train for cardio with Louis in boxing and weight training with Nicola.
My biggest struggle was not believing in my ability to grow stronger. I kept thinking I couldn't do this, I couldn't grow stronger. And also, it was hard to recover from the strength training, at first.
I have to say that my trainer, Nicola, was the main reason that I could overcome my struggles. She knows my ability and what I am capable of, and she is very knowledgeable in nutrition and supplements. Her dedication, encouragement and care has been a huge factor in helping me in my fitness journey and my nutrition.
I would say that if you have any concerns about your fitness, training sessions and/or nutrition, talk to your trainer(s). They are your biggest supporter(s).
The trainers at Form Fitness are all very dedicated to their craft. They are committed to bringing out the best in their clients as well as working hard to build their own fitness.
I have been on my fitness journey with Form Fitness since April 2022. My primary goals were health and weight loss.
My biggest struggle was consistency and how hard to push. Form fitness helped me with this by making small changes in my workout routine over time.
My advice to new members is consistency is key and commit to your new routine.
I’ve enjoyed working with Form Fitness and Jack has helped me focus on my form not just workload.
I started Form back in June 2021 (just before the 2nd Covid lockdown).
I wasn’t confident with myself and weight training in general, so my friend recommended I try Form fitness!
My goal was to learn better technique, especially when squatting with a squat rack, to feel confident in the gym and be more consistent with my training. My goal now is to get stronger and lift heavier weights!
Last year I had a couple months off from exercising due to a major surgery I had. I was struggling with motivation and having a good routine when it came to fitness - I had lost interest in exercising and wasn’t confident in the gym (with technique & the types of exercises I should do). To this day, I still sometimes struggle with motivation too!
I overcame this by making exercise a non negotiable in my weekly routine (seeing Nicola each week!) I also had a bit of a mindset shift when it came to my training - I realised if I wasn’t giving 100% during my sessions with Nicola, the only person I was holding back was me.
My advice for anyone is consistency + effort = results!!
It’ll be hard at first to get into a routine but you’ll never regret a session at Form.
Having Nicola help me hit PB’s during my sessions, she always motivates me & I truly think I’d struggle to finish hard sets if she wasn’t there!
I was always a relatively active kid, playing Saturday sport every weekend and horse riding since I was 7 years old. But I started in a gym setting at around 16 years old and really got into it when I turned 18.
My motivation to start was probably just to feel my best mentally and physically. I’ve always wanted to be a better runner, so I prioritised cardio when I began. My goal now is to definitely build more muscle and to continue to build up my fitness.
Time and motivation was my biggest struggle, with a busy schedule, I find it hard to prioritise working out, hence why PT has been great because it forces me to go
I have found that going a minimum of two times per week has helped me see results faster, and also has made me feel stronger. Also, definitely speak to the trainers about where you are feeling the exercise etc because it is important that you are doing each exercise right.
I love the energy at Form Fitness. All the trainers are super nice and inviting, as well as incredibly knowledgeable. I always leave my sessions feeling great.
I started my Form Fitness journey towards the end of 2020. A friend recommended contacting Form Fitness. I was motivated by how well the training studio was equipped and the coaches’ knowledge and personalized feedback. and service in my first consultation. My initial goal was to reach a specific weight which i have achieved. My goal now is to lead a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle, including: eating quality food, cardio fitness, strength fitness, quality sleep and mental well-being - and knowing that there’s a bit of give and take between them all.
My biggest struggle was realising that achieving my target weight is a short term goal and is not sustainable. Coaching at Form Fitness helped me realise that health is not just about weight, but includes so many other factors and elements.
Form Fitness delivers personalised, practical and achievable advice that can be implemented into my daily life. After each session I feel encouraged and supported.